GOAL16 By GuyChristian
This podcast is presented by GuyChristian Agbor LLM/PGCIT, PhD., social scientist, anti-corruption and anti-IFFs strategist. The objective of this podcast is the promotion of SDG 16: "promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels in the global community" by debating issues of peace, Human Rights, Corruption, Illicit Financial Flows, Rule of law and Strong Institutions.
GOAL16 By GuyChristian
Nigerian Elite buying properties in DUBAI with MATTHEW PAGE
Season 1
Episode 3
Fascinating conversation with Matthew PAGE on Dubai Property: An Oasis for Nigeria’s Corrupt Political Elites and for more details download the report @:https://carnegieendowment.org/2020/03/19/dubai-property-oasis-for-nigeria-s-corrupt-political-elites-pub-81306