GOAL16 By GuyChristian



This episode is a conversation with Mr. Alvin Mosioma, on the latest FACTI Report, more precisely about his opinion on the "14 recommendations to reform, redesign and revitalize the global architecture, so it can effectively foster financial integrity for sustainable development". Also, we slightly touched on current issues of International Taxation pertaining to Africa. 
Mr. Alvin Mosioma is the founding Executive Director of Tax Justice Network Africa, a Pan-African Advocacy and Research Network of 31 members in 16 African countries working on Tax Justice and curbing of IFFs from Africa. Mr. Mosioma who served as the Chair of the Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC) is a leading voice on tax policy in Africa and has spear headed numerous civil society campaigns in Africa since 2007. Mosioma served as member of the steering committee Open Government Partnership and currently serves as a member of the advisory board for Plateforme de Protection des Lanceurs d’Alerte en Afrique (PPLAAF) and on the board of the coordinating committee of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ). Over the past 15 years, he has published a number of articles and reports on fiscal policy in Africa and has also co-authored two books on taxation and development in Africa. He holds a master’s degree in economics from the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. His special interest areas include fiscal policy, international taxation, financial regulation and natural resource governance.

For more information about FACTI PANEL: https://www.factipanel.org 
Where you can explore the full report or a summary version of the report.